18 Janvier 2018. FR. Kadovar , Mayon , Nevado del Ruiz , Klyuchevskoy , Popocatepetl.

18 Janvier 2018.


Kadovar , Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée :

Les rapports actuels publiés aujourd’hui par l’Observatoire Volcanique de Rabaul PNG et par le Département d’études minérales et de la gestion des géorisques pour le volcan Kadovar indiquent qu’il est toujours en éruption.

Le cratère principal produit des nuages ​​de cendres gris faibles à modérés , s’élevant à 300 mètres au-dessus de l’évent, avec de longs intervalles et une activité explosive soutenue produisant des nuages ​​de cendres à 500 à 800 mètres au-dessus du sommet qui s’inclinent vers le Sud et le Sud-Ouest en direction de la Sepik River .
Tandis qu’une équipe de l’Observatoire de Rabaul installait un sismomètre sur Kadovar, ils ont assisté à un événement de type Vulcanien modéré avec des projections de roches incandescentes . Les évents du Sud-Ouest et de l’Ouest produisent des émissions faibles mais sont souvent masqués par les cendres du cratère principal.
Un panache modéré continu de vapeur blanche est en train de s’élever de l’évent côtier du Sud – Est  à 800 mètres au-dessus de l’île. L’évent côtier du Sud-Est émet une lueur rouge continue la nuit avec quelques périodes d’intensité lumineuse fluctuante.

Les zones d’évents arrière sont affectées par la brume légère. Des explosions discrètes , vulcaniennes , ajoutent des impulsions chargées de cendres plus élevées . Les sismomètres fonctionnent maintenant depuis 11h00 (heure locale) sur Blup Blup et  15h00 (heure locale) depuis mardi sur Kadovar. Entre 11 heures hier et 8 heures ce matin, le sismomètre de Blup Blup a enregistré 6 tremblements de terre discrets à haute fréquence et, pour les séismes sur Kadovar, les évènements présentent des intervalles de 2 secondes et sont situés entre 14 et 15 km de profondeur. Le volcan est maintenant surveillé sismiquement en temps quasi réel, si la situation s’intensifie, le nombre de tremblements de terre devrait augmenter en nombre et en intensité.
La situation est également surveillée par diverses techniques satellitaires. L’enregistrement des tremblements de terre à haute fréquence sur Kadovar indique des «événements de type rupture de roche» et indique que la structure est encore stressée et que la situation est dynamique.

Le niveau de risque pour l’instant sur l’île est ÉLEVÉ. Sur le continent et les autres îles voisines, il y a un petit risque de TSUNAMIS toujours présent .

Source : news.pngfacts.com.

Photo : us4.campaign.



Mayon , Philippines :

BULLETIN D’ ACTIVITE DU VOLCAN MAYON, 18 janvier 2018 , 8:00 A.M.

Uns effusion de lave depuis le nouveau dôme de lave du sommet et des effondrements de lave ont caractérisé l’activité éruptive du volcan Mayon au cours des dernières 24 heures. Quarante-huit (48) éboulements, deux (2) flux pyroclastique ou PDC et un (1) séisme volcanique ont été enregistrés par le réseau de surveillance sismique du Mayon. Les événements de chutes de pierres ont été générés par l’effondrement du front et des bords des coulées de lave  qui avancent dans le ravin Miisi et par la chute de parties du dôme sommital dans les ravins Matanag et Buyuan. Actuellement, la coulée de lave dans le ravin Miisi s’est avancée sur environ trois (3) kilomètres depuis le cratère sommital tandis que les flux pyroclastique se sont mis en place à peu près dans les mêmes zones de drainage, bien à l’intérieur de la zone de danger permanent. Des nuages ​​de cendres ont été émis à partir des événements de chutes de pierres et des flux pyroclastiques ainsi que de la désintégration persistante de la lave sur le front avançant de la coulée de lave Miisi avant de dériver vers le Sud-Ouest. Les émissions de dioxyde de soufre ont été mesurées à une moyenne de 1159 tonnes / jour le 17 janvier 2018.

Le niveau d’alerte 3 reste en vigueur sur le volcan Mayon, ce qui signifie qu’il se trouve actuellement dans un niveau d’agitation relativement élevé car le magma se trouve dans le cratère et une éruption dangereuse est possible dans les semaines ou même les jours. Il est fortement recommandé au public d’être vigilant et de ne pas pénétrer dans la zone de danger permanent de six (6) kilomètres et la zone de danger prolongée de 7 kilomètres sur les flancs Sud en raison du risque de chutes de pierres, de glissements de terrain , d’ explosions soudaines ou d’ effondrement du dôme pouvant générer des flux volcaniques dangereux. Une vigilance accrue contre les courants de densité pyroclastiques, les lahars et les écoulements chargés de sédiments le long des canaux drainant l’édifice est également conseillée. Les autorités de l’aviation civile doivent également conseiller aux pilotes d’éviter de voler à proximité du sommet du volcan car les cendres provenant de toute éruption soudaine peuvent être dangereuses pour les aéronefs. Selon la configuration des vents saisonniers, les chutes de cendres peuvent très probablement se produire du côté Sud-Ouest du volcan.
Le DOST-PHIVOLCS maintient une surveillance étroite du volcan Mayon et tout nouveau développement sera communiqué à toutes les parties prenantes concernées.

Source : Phivolcs.

Photo : Rodrigo Contreras Lopez 


Nevado del Ruiz , Colombie :

Sujet: Bulletin d’activité du volcan Nevado del Ruiz.
Le niveau d’activité se poursuit au niveau : Niveau d’activité jaune ou (III): changements dans le comportement de l’activité volcanique.

En ce qui concerne le suivi de l’activité du volcan Nevado del Ruiz, le SERVICE GÉOLOGIQUE COLOMBIEN informe que:

Au cours de la dernière semaine, les différents paramètres de surveillance montrent que le volcan Nevado del Ruiz continue d’afficher un comportement instable.
La sismicité provoquée par la fracturation des roches qui composent le volcan a montré une diminution du nombre de séismes et de l’énergie sismique libérée par rapport à la semaine précédente. Les séismes se situaient principalement dans les secteurs Nord distal, Sud-Ouest , Sud-Est, Nod-Est et dans le cratère Arenas. Les profondeurs des séismes variaient entre 0,7 et 7,2 km. La magnitude maximale enregistrée au cours de la semaine était de 1,6 ML (Magnitude locale), correspondant au séisme enregistré le 9 janvier à 22h09 (heure locale), situé au Sud-Ouest du cratère Arenas, à une profondeur de 3,8 km.

L’activité sismique associée à la dynamique des fluides à l’intérieur des canaux de la structure volcanique a montré une augmentation du nombre de séismes enregistrés et de l’énergie sismique libérée, par rapport à la semaine précédente. Ce type d’activité se caractérise principalement par la survenue de tremblements de terre de fluides multiples, de type longues périodes  et de très longues périodes, ainsi que par des impulsions de tremor. Les tremblements de terre ont été localisés principalement dans le voisinage du cratère Arenas et dans les secteurs Sud-Est et sSud du volcan. 

La déformation volcanique mesurée à partir des inclinomètres électroniques, des stations GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) et des images radar, montre un comportement de stabilité sans enregistrer d’importants processus de déformation de la structure volcanique.
Le volcan continue d’émettre de la vapeur d’eau et des gaz dans l’atmosphère, parmi lesquels le dioxyde de soufre (SO2) se distingue, comme en témoignent les valeurs obtenues par les stations SCANDOAS installées sur le volcan et l’analyse des images satellites. Dans le suivi des informations fournies par les portails MIROVA et NASA FIRMS, plusieurs anomalies thermiques ont été enregistrées au voisinage du cratère Arenas.
La colonne de gaz et de vapeur atteignait une hauteur maximale de 1300 m mesurée au sommet du volcan, le 11 janvier. La direction de dispersion de la colonne était régie par la direction du vent dans la zone, qui dominait pendant la semaine vers le Nord-Ouest, le Sud-Ouest et le Sud-Est par rapport au cratère Arenas.

Le volcan Nevado del Ruiz continue au niveau d’activité jaune.

Source : SGC

Photo : Cesar Rios


Klyuchevskoy , Kamchatka :


Délivré: 18 Janvier 2018.
Volcan: Klyuchevskoy (CAVW # 300260)
Code couleur actuel de l’aviation: ORANGE
Code couleur de l’aviation précédent: orange
Source: KVERT
Numéro de l’avis: 2018-20
Localisation du volcan : N 56 deg 3 min E 160 deg 38 min
Région: Kamtchatka, Russie
Altitude du sommet: 15580 pieds (4750 m)

Résumé de l’activité volcanique:
L’ activité éruptive modérée du volcan persiste. Un panache de gaz-vapeur contenant une certaine quantité de cendres a dérivé sur environ 45 km vers l’Est du volcan.
Une activité éruptive modérée du volcan continue. L’activité en cours pourrait affecter les aéronefs volant à basse altitude.

Hauteur des nuages volcaniques:
1650 m (5 000 m) AMSL Temps et méthode de détermination du panache de cendres et de la hauteur des nuages: 20180118 / 0500Z – Données vidéo

Autres informations sur les nuages volcaniques:
Distance du panache de cendres / nuage du volcan: 28 mi (45 km)
Sens de dérive du panache de cendres / nuage du volcan: E / azimut 91 deg
Temps et méthode de détermination du panache de cendres / nuage: 20180118 / 0440Z – Himawari-8

Source : Kvert.

Photo : Volkstat ru , Yu Demyanchuck.


Popocatépetl , Mexique :

17 janvier, 11h00 (17 janvier, 17h00 GMT).

Au cours des dernières 24 heures, grâce aux relevés sismiques du système de surveillance du volcan Popocatépetl, 110 exhalaisons de faible intensité ont été identifiées, accompagnées de vapeur d’eau, de gaz et parfois de très légères quantités de cendres.
D’autre part, 26 minutes de tremor harmonique et 16 séismes volcano-tectoniques avec des amplitudes comprises entre M 1,2 et M2,2 ont été enregistrés.
Pendant la nuit, aucune incandescence n’a été observée sur le cratère.

A partir de ce matin et jusqu’au moment de ce rapport le volcan est observé sans émissions.
Les autres paramètres de surveillance restent inchangés.

Le CENAPRED demande instamment de ne pas approcher le volcan et surtout le cratère, en raison du danger de chute de  fragments balistiques, et en cas de fortes pluies, de s’éloigner du fond des ravins en raison du risque de glissements de terrain et de coulées de boue.

Le feu de signalisation d’alerte volcanique du Popocatepetl est situé à Amarillo Phase 2.

Source : Cenapred

Photo : Archive ( 02/2016)


January 18 , 2018. EN. Kadovar , Mayon , Nevado del Ruiz , Klyuchevskoy , Popocatepetl .

January 18 , 2018.



Kadovar , Papua New Guinea :

The current reports issued today by the PNG Rabaul Volcano Observatory of the Department of Mineral Policy & Geohazard Management on the Kadovar Volcano is that it is still erupting.

The Main Crater produced weak to moderate grey ash clouds to 300 meters above the vent, at long intervals with stronger sustained explosive activity producing ash clouds to 500-800 meters above the summit and is being blown to the South and South West, towards the Sepik River.
Whilst a Rabaul Volcano Observatory team was installing a seismometer on Kadovar they witnessed one moderate Vulcanian event with glowing rocks expelled. The South West and West Vents are both producing weak emissions but are often obscured by ash from the Main Crater.
A moderate continuous white steam plume is rising from the South East Coastal Vent to 800 meters above the island. The South East Coastal Vent emits a steady red glow at night with some periods of fluctuating glow intensity.

Downwind areas are affected by light haze. Discrete Vulcanian explosions will add pulses of higher ash loads and Seismometers have now been operating since 11:00 am (Local Time) on Blup Blup and at 15:00 pm (Local Time) since Tuesday on Kadovar. Between 11 am yesterday and 8:00 am this morning the Blup Blup seismometer recorded 6 discrete high frequency earthquakes and as for Kadovar earthquakes were at 2 seconds intervals from 14-15 km deep. The volcano is now being seismically monitored in almost real-time, if the situation escalates the number of earthquakes would be expected to increase in number and strength.
The situation is also being monitored by various satellite techniques. The recording of high frequency earthquakes from Kadovar indicates ‘rock breaking events’ and indicates the structure is still being stressed and the situation is dynamic.
The Risk level at the moment on the Island is HIGH. And on the Mainland and other nearby Islands, there is a small risk of TSUNAMIS happening.

Source : pngfacts.com .

Photo : us4.campaign.


Mayon , Philippines :

MAYON VOLCANO BULLETIN , 18 January 2018 8:00 A.M.

Quiet lava effusion from the new summit lava dome and lava collapse events characterized Mayon Volcano’s eruptive activity in the past 24 hours. Forty-eight (48) rockfall events, two (2) pyroclastic density currents or PDCs and one (1) volcanic earthquake were recorded by Mayon’s seismic monitoring network. Rockfall events were generated by the collapsing lava front and margins of the advancing lava flow on the Miisi Gully and by shedding from the summit dome onto the Matanag and Buyuan Gullies. Currently, the Miisi lava flow has advanced to approximately three (3) kilometers from the summit crater whilst PDCs were emplaced roughly within the same reaches on this drainage, all well within the Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ). Ash clouds were lofted from the rockfall and PDCs events as well as from the persistent disintegration of lava on the advancing front of the Miisi lava flow before drifting to the southwest. Sulfur dioxide gas emission was measured at an average of 1159 tonnes/day on January 17, 2018.

Alert Level 3 remains in effect over Mayon Volcano, which means that it is currently in a relatively high level of unrest as magma is at the crater and hazardous eruption is possible within weeks or even days. The public is strongly advised to be vigilant and desist from entering the six (6) kilometer-radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) and the 7-km Extended Danger Zone (EDZ) on the southern flanks due to the danger of rockfalls, landslides and sudden explosions or dome collapse that may generate hazardous volcanic flows. Increased vigilance against pyroclastic density currents, lahars and sediment-laden streamflows along channels draining the edifice is also advised. Civil aviation authorities must also advise pilots to avoid flying close to the volcano’s summit as ash from any sudden eruption can be hazardous to aircraft. Based on the seasonal wind pattern, ash fall events may most likely occur on the southwest side of the volcano.

DOST-PHIVOLCS maintains close monitoring of Mayon Volcano and any new development will be communicated to all concerned stakeholders.

Source : Phivolcs.

Photo : Rodrigo Contreras Lopez 


Nevado del Ruiz , Colombia :

Subject: Activity Bulletin  of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano.
The Activity Level continues in: Yellow Activity Level or (III): changes in the behavior of the volcanic activity.

With respect to the monitoring of the activity of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, the COLOMBIAN GEOLOGICAL SERVICE informs that:

Over the course of the last week, the different monitoring parameters show that the Nevado del Ruiz volcano continues to exhibit unstable behavior.

The seismicity caused by the fracturing of the rocks that make up the volcano, showed a decrease in the number of earthquakes and in the seismic energy released, in comparison with the previous week. The earthquakes were located mainly in the sectors North distal, Suroccidente, Suroriente, Nororiente and in Arenas crater. The depths of the earthquakes ranged between 0.7 and 7.2 km. The maximum magnitude recorded during the week was 1.6 ML (Local Magnitude), corresponding to the earthquake recorded on January 9 at 22:09 (Local Time), located at the southwest of the Arenas crater, at a depth of 3.8 km.

The seismic activity associated with fluid dynamics inside the ducts of the volcanic structure showed an increase in the number of recorded earthquakes and in the seismic energy released, with respect to the previous week. This type of activity was characterized mainly by the occurrence of multiple fluid earthquakes, long period and very long period events, as well as tremor pulses. The earthquakes were located mainly in the vicinity of the Arenas crater and in the southeastern and southern sectors of the volcano. The recording of seismic signals of this type, of higher energy that may be associated with emission of gases and ash, is not ruled out.

The volcanic deformation measured from electronic inclinometers, GNSS stations (Global Navigation Satellite System) and radar images, show a stability behavior without registering important deformation processes of the volcanic structure.

The volcano continues to emit water vapor and gases into the atmosphere, among which sulfur dioxide (SO2) stands out, as evidenced by the values obtained by the SCANDOAS stations installed in the volcano area and the analysis of satellite images. In the follow-up of the information provided by the MIROVA and NASA FIRMS portals, several thermal anomalies were recorded in the vicinity of the Arenas crater.

The column of gases and steam reached a maximum height of 1300 m measured on the top of the volcano, on January 11. The direction of dispersion of the column was governed by the direction of the wind in the area, which during the week predominated towards the Northwest, Southwest and Southeast with respect to the Arenas crater.

The Nevado del Ruiz volcano continues at the Yellow activity level.

Source : SGC

Photo : Cesar Rios


Klyuchevskoy , Kamchatka :


Issued: January 18 , 2018.
Volcano:Klyuchevskoy (CAVW #300260)
Current aviation colour code:ORANGE
Previous aviation colour code:orange
Notice Number:2018-20
Volcano Location:N 56 deg 3 min E 160 deg 38 min
Area:Kamchatka, Russia
Summit Elevation:15580 ft (4750 m)

Volcanic Activity Summary:
The moderate eruptive activity of the volcano continues. A gas-steam plume containing some amount of ash drifted for about 45 km to the east from the volcano.
A moderate eruptive activity of the volcano continues. Ongoing activity could affect low-flying aircraft.

Volcanic cloud height:
16400 ft (5000 m) AMSL Time and method of ash plume/cloud height determination: 20180118/0500Z – Video data

Other volcanic cloud information:
Distance of ash plume/cloud of the volcano: 28 mi (45 km)
Direction of drift of ash plume/cloud of the volcano: E / azimuth 91 deg
Time and method of ash plume/cloud determination: 20180118/0440Z – Himawari-8

Source : Kvert.

Photo : Volkstat ru , Yu Demyanchuck.


Popocatépetl , Mexico :

January 17, 11:00 h (January 17, 17:00 GMT).

In the last 24 hours, through the seismic records of the Popocatépetl volcano monitoring system, 110 low intensity exhalations were identified, accompanied by water vapor, gas and sometimes very slight amounts of ash .

On the other hand, 26 minutes of harmonic tremor and 16 volcanotectonic earthquakes with magnitudes between M 1.2 and M2.2 were recorded.

During the night no incandescence was observed over the crater.

From today in the morning until the moment of this report the volcano is observed without emissions .

Other monitoring parameters remain unchanged.

CENAPRED urges NOT TO APPROACH the volcano and above all the crater, due to the danger of the fall of ballistic fragments , and in case of heavy rains, to get away from the bottoms of ravines due to the risk of landslides and mudflows.

The Popocatepetl Volcanic Alert Traffic Light is located in Amarillo Phase 2.

Source : Cenapred

Photo : Archive ( 02/2016)


January 08 , 2018. EN. Copahue , Klyuchevskoy , Sinabung , Kadovar .

January 08 , 2018.


Copahue , Chile :

During this period, 510 seismic events were recorded, of which 149 were classified as volcano-tectonics (VT) associated with rock fracturing processes. Local magnitudes (Ml) were less than or equal to M3.9. The largest energy event was located 7.5 km east of the crater El Agrio, with a depth of 5.2 km. The event mentioned was accompanied by a seismic swarm that lasted approximately 5 hours, counting 107 events of lower magnitude. Similarly, 364 earthquakes associated with fluid dynamics within the volcano were recorded. Of these, 149 have been cataloged as long period type (LP) events with reduced displacement values of 16.2cm2. Finally, 212 earthquakes of very long period type (VLP) were recorded with maximum reduced displacement values of 13.1 cm2.

Throughout the period, a low-level constant tremor signal was recorded, with a maximum reduced displacement value of 1.6 cm2, mainly associated with gas flow and a sporadic form of particulate matter emission from from El Agrio crater.
IP cameras installed near the volcano recorded a constant degassing of the active crater (El Agrio), characterized by sporadic ash emissions with a maximum height of 1300 m. For a few days, during the night period, an incandescence was visualized when the weather conditions made it possible to observe the volcano.

According to data provided by two active GNSS stations installed on the volcanic building, no surface deformation due to changes in the internal dynamics of the volcano is observed.
The sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions recorded by the Differential Absorption Spectrometry Equipment (DOAS), Melizzas station, located 5 km East-North-East (ENE) of the active crater have an average value for the period of 877 ± 566 t / day, and a maximum daily value of 2239 t / day reported on December 30th. S02 emissions are in base levels for this volcano.

-No sulfur dioxide (SO 2) emissions to the atmosphere in the volcano area have been reported, according to data published by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Sulfur Dioxide Group (http: //so2.gsfc.nasa.gov/) and the National Environmental Satellite Information and Data Service (NESDIS) (http://satepsanoine.nesdis.noaa.gov).
-No thermal warning has been reported on the volcano, according to data processed by infrared observation means of volcanic activity (Mirova) (http://www.mirovaweb.it/) and in near real time by temporal thermal monitoring of global hot spots (MODVOLC) (http://modis.higp.hawaii.edu/).

The seismic energy levels and the tendency of the volcanic structure to deform represent a scenario that remains within the base level of this volcano. The recording of a VLP seismic activity suggests the action of a magma body at relatively low levels, which interacts with the hydrothermal system, generating current activity and surface glow. Although this scenario can evolve towards a higher energy, the system remains in a state of equilibrium.

For all this, the Copahue volcano remains at:
GREEN LEVEL: Active volcano with stable behavior – No immediate risk – Time for possible eruption: MONTH / YEARS.

Observation: It is recommended to apply precautionary access restrictions in an area close to the crater with a radius of 1000 meters.

Source : Sernageomin


Klyuchevskoy , Kamchatka :


Issued: January 08 , 2018.
Volcano:Klyuchevskoy (CAVW #300260)
Current aviation colour code:ORANGE
Previous aviation colour code:orange
Notice Number:2018-11
Volcano Location:N 56 deg 3 min E 160 deg 38 min
Area:Kamchatka, Russia
Summit Elevation:15580 ft (4750 m)

A gas-steam with some amount of ash activity of Klyuchevskoy volcano on 06 January, 2018.

Volcanic Activity Summary:
A moderate eruptive activity of the volcano continues. A gas-steam plume containing some amount of ash drifted for about 90 km to the north from the volcano.
A moderate eruptive activity of the volcano continues. Ongoing activity could affect low-flying aircraft.

Volcanic cloud height:
16400-18040 ft (5000-5500 m) AMSL Time and method of ash plume/cloud height determination: 20180108/0530Z – Video data

Other volcanic cloud information:
Distance of ash plume/cloud of the volcano: 56 mi (90 km)
Direction of drift of ash plume/cloud of the volcano: N / azimuth 358 deg
Time and method of ash plume/cloud determination: 20180108/0114Z – Suomi NPP

Source : Kvert.

Photo : Yu. Demyanchuk, IVS FEB RAS, KVERT , 6/1/2018 .


Sinabung , Indonesia :

Level IV Activity Level (AWAS). The Sinabung (2460 m altitude) since yesterday until this morning was often covered with fog. The smoke rising from the crater, during the periods when the volcano was discovered, could be observed rising from 50 to 1000 m above the volcano. The wind is blowing moderately to the South, Southeast and East. Thanks to the recording of the seismographs, 2 eruption / emission events were recorded with ash columns rising at altitudes of 1200 m above the ridges. Finally, 52 avalanche events with slip distances of 500 to 1000 m were recorded on the south and southeast slopes.

Communities / visitors should not do activities within 3 km of the summit, and by sector, 7 km to the South-South-East, 6 km East-South-East and 4 km to the South-East. km northeast.
The deposits formed a dam upstream on the Laborus River. People living in downstream river basins and around the Laborus River need to be vigilant because these dams can collapse at any time and no longer retain water volume, resulting in downstream lahars / floods .



Issued: January 08 , 2018.
Volcano: Sinabung (261080)
Current Aviation Colour Code: ORANGE
Previous Aviation Colour Code: orange
Source: Sinabung Volcano Observatory
Notice Number: 2018SIN24
Volcano Location: N 03 deg 10 min 12 sec E 98 deg 23 min 31 sec
Area: North Sumatra, Indonesia
Summit Elevation: 7872 FT (2460 M)

Volcanic Activity Summary:
Eruption with ash clouds at 05:27 UTC (12:27 local time). The eruption lasted for 193 seconds.

Volcanic Cloud Height:
Best estimate of ash-cloud top is around 12672 FT (3960 M) above sea level, may be higher than what can be observed clearly. Source of height data: ground observer.

Other Volcanic Cloud Information:
Ash cloud is moving to east-north

Seismic activity is characterized by the Deep Volcanic Earthquake, Low Frequency Earthquake, and Hybrid Earthquake.

Source : VSI , Magma .

Photos : 06/01/2018 , Firdaus Surbakti / Beidar Sinabung.


Kadovar Island , Papua New Guinea :

The current volcanic activity has impacted the entire surface area of Kadovar Island , in Septik Province.

Thankfully , 591 locals have been evacuated to Blurp Blurp Island in the North, witout any reports of casualties.
The Rabaul vocanic observatory has reported that Kadovar continues to erupt with ash and stream still being emitted.
Satellite based observations of the eruption indicate that there have been no significant SO2 ( Sulfur dioxide) emissions to date , states RVO.

« Also no significant thermal anomalies have been detected ( may be masked by fumes). These observations would seem to indicate that at present , new magma has not breached the surface or is contact with the atmosphere via cracks. The activity we are seeing is the disruption of old materials , or a cracking of the carapace.


 » There is still a chance that magma migration to the surface may stall. However , if rising magma breaches the surface , volcanic activity may increase.
Kadovar is a volcanic island located about 24 km offshore from the Northern coast of mainland PNG, in East Septik Province , and about 21km West of Barn volcano.

Believe to dormant , for decades, the volcano erupted on Friday , January 5.

The island itself is only the top of a 1000 m hight volcanic cone , rising from a 600-700m deep seabed, explain the RVO.
The actual base of the cone is buried under and unknown thickness of sediments introduced to the area by the Septik River.

Source : Loop PNG , RVO.

Photo : Samaritan Aviation.