You are currently viewing October 13, 2019. EN. Italy : Stromboli , Indonesia : Merapi , Guatemala : Santiaguito , Costa Rica : Turrialba / Poas / Rincon de la Vieja .

October 13, 2019. EN. Italy : Stromboli , Indonesia : Merapi , Guatemala : Santiaguito , Costa Rica : Turrialba / Poas / Rincon de la Vieja .

October 13 , 2019.


Italy , Stromboli :

Daily Bulletin of October 12, 2019

In light of the surveillance data, we highlight:
VOLCANOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: Normal explosive activity of Strombolian type accompanied by degassing activities.
SISMOLOGY: The seismological parameters do not show any significant changes.
DEFORMATIONS: No significant changes to report.
GEOCHIMICA: the flow of SO2 is at a medium-low level The value of the CO2 / SO2 ratio is at an average level (last acquisition on 11/10/2019). The helium isotopic ratios remain unchanged on the mean-low values (analysis of 07/10/2019).

Etna-Stromboli Eruptions / Ausbrüche October 2019 from FotoDive on Vimeo.

Yesterday, the persistence of cloud cover in the summit area has limited observations. However, the analysis of the images of surveillance cameras at 400 m altitude (SQV and SQT) and Punta dei Corvi (SCPT), updated at 05:30 UTC on 12/10/2019, detected an ordinary strombolian activity from the more active mouths in the North and South-Central crater areas. The explosions often protrude from the edge of the crater terrace and the products fall back to the top of the Sciara del Fuoco, and roll along the slope towards the sea.
In the northern zone, the explosions produced mainly coarse materials (lapilli and bombs) that sometimes covered the sides of the cone facing the Sciara del Fuoco. In the Center-Sud zone, the explosions produced ashes and coarse materials that sometimes fell back on the crater’s terrace and settled down along the Sciara del Fuoco.

The bulletin is established with data acquired from a maximum of 8 stations. The seismic activity recorded during the last 24 hours has the following characteristics: No seismic signal associated with a landslide has been recorded.
Very long period (VLP) event counting provides an average of about 21 events / hour.
The magnitude of VLPs has remained generally low. The magnitude of explosive earthquakes has remained generally low. Some moderately low events have been recorded … / …

Source : INGV.

Read the article :  file:///C:/Users/Utilisateur/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe/TempState/Downloads/BollettinoGiornalieroStromboli20191012%20(2).pdf

Video : Fotodive .

Photo : Webcam Stromboli.


Indonesia , Merapi :



The weather around Mount Merapi is generally sunny in the morning until the end of the afternoon and the misty evenings. There is a white smoke, thin to thick with low pressure. A maximum smoke height of 150 m was observed from the Mount Merapi observation post in Kaliurang on October 6, 2019 at 17:24 WIB.
The morphological analysis of the crater area based on photographs of the Southeast sector revealed no significant morphological changes. The volume of the lava dome based on aerial photo analysis with drones on September 19, 2019 was 468,000 m3. Since January 2019, the volume of the lava dome has been relatively stable due to the extrusion of magma sliding directly upstream of the Kali Gendol in the form of avalanche of lava and hot clouds. This week, no hot cloud has been reported.

During this week, the earthquake of Mount Merapi was recorded:
1 deep volcanic earthquake (VTA),
5 shallow volcanic earthquakes (VTB),
41 Multiple Phase (MP) earthquakes,
50 avalanche earthquakes (RF),
6 low frequency earthquakes (FL)
30 tectonic earthquakes (TT).
This week’s seismic intensity is lower than last week.

The deformation of G. Merapi, monitored by EDM and GPS this week, showed no significant change.

Rain and lahars:
This week, there was rain at the Mount Merapi observation post with a rain intensity of 4 mm / hour for 20 minutes at Kaliurang station on October 8, 2019. There was no reported lahar nor additional flow in the rivers descending from Mount Merapi.

Based on the results of the visual and instrumental observations, it was concluded that:
1. The lava dome is currently in a stable state with relatively low growth rates.
2. The volcanic activity of Mount Merapi is still quite high and is determined by the level of activity « WASPADA ».

Source : BPPTKG.

Photos : Oystein Lund Andersen , Yohannes Tyas Galih Jati .


Guatemala , Santiaguito :


The Santiaguito volcano in recent hours has generated moderate explosions, expelling ash columns as high as 3,500 meters (11,482 feet), which are scattered to the western and southwestern flanks. This activity is accompanied by avalanches of blocks raising ash towards the canyon of the San Isidro River, for a length of approximately 1.5 km.
Some explosions are also accompanied by sounds similar to those of aircraft turbines due to the pressure of the gases. This activity can continue in the next hours or days, generating even greater pyroclastic flows. It is necessary to take the necessary precautions and not climb or stay in areas near the volcanic building.

White degassing up to 3000 meters of altitude and dispersing towards the South-West, 5 moderate explosions were recorded from 10.10 on October 11 which raise columns of ashes to a height of 3400 to 3500 meters of altitude. (11,155 – 11,485 feet) dispersing to the west and southwest. They generate moderate avalanches to the South and Southeast flanks with lengths of approximately 1.5 km.
The parameters described are the result of the activity reported in Special Bulletin No. 86-2019, due to the activity of the Santiaguito volcano in recent hours.

Source : Insivumeh.

Photo : Auteur inconnu.


Costa Rica , Turrialba / Poas / Rincon de la Vieja :

Daily report of the state of volcanoes. Date: October 11, 2019, Updated at: 10:38:00 AM.

Turrialba Volcano:
No eruption is reported.
The seismic activity is similar to that of yesterday.
At the time of this report, the winds blow from the northeast.
A plume rich in water vapor is observed. Some low frequency earthquakes have been recorded.

The presence of two lakes at the top of the volcano continues, with variations depending of the rain, while a third body of water forms a few hours after the rains, then disappears. The incandescence recorded by the volcanic surveillance cameras in the active crater continues as intense as the previous week. No major changes in seismicity were reported compared to the previous week.
The public is reminded that the entrance to the Turrialba Volcano National Park, which coincides with a radius of 2 km around the active crater, is closed due to the activity of the volcano. Approaching the crater means a very high risk activity.

Poas Volcano:
No eruption is reported.
The seismic activity is similar to that of yesterday.
At the time of this report, winds are blowing from the south.
Degassing is present from the three main mouths. In addition, a background tremor is recorded.
The CO2 / SO2 and H2S / SO2 ratios are relatively stable. The concentration of SO2 at the belvedere is very variable and reaches a maximum of 6 ppm.

At the seismic level, the low amplitude background tremor (2 to 4.5 Hz) was maintained with some sporadic episodes during which energy was observed in the 1.5 to 2 Hz band, as well as discrete events of type LP (long period), generally of low amplitude.
Visitors to the Poás Volcano National Park are reminded that this site has protocols for eruptions. Depending on the type of activity, visits may be suspended or delayed. At the belvedere of the main crater, there are four protective shelters in case of eruption. Tourists are asked to always be attentive to any change of activity and to follow the instructions of the park wardens.

Rincon de la Vieja Volcano:
No eruption is reported.
The seismic activity is similar to that of yesterday.
The wind direction is unknown at the moment.

The seismic activity continued with the appearance of long-period type signals (nearly two tens) and volcano-tectonic type (a little less than a dozen), the vast majority of them recorded in more two seismological stations. During the week, mainly spasmodic tremors with amplitude variations were observed. It is recommended to stay away from the canals of rivers near the volcano in case of eruption, due to the possibility of descent of primary lahars.


Photos : Ovsicori , RSN , Chris Allen /Sunquest Helitours .

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