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June 04 , 2018. EN . Special eruption Fuego , update 11h.

June 04 ,  2018.


Fuego , Guatemala :

Information bulletin n ° 962018
LEVEL ALERT ORANGE AND INSTITUTIONAL ALERT LEVEL RED IN MUNICIPALITIES of Escuintla, Chimaltenango and Sacatepéquez for the eruption of the Fuego volcano.

Following the second eruption of the Fuego, alert levels increased at the red level in Escuintla, Alotenango, Sacatepequez, Yepocapa and Chimaltenango, while at the institutional level it was raised to the orange level. It has also been opened 3 shelters in the Escuintla department.

Currently, this volcanic dome continues to generate strong explosions with the same energy, ash columns up to 10 thousand meters above sea level that are dispersed by wind up to 40 km, especially towards the North West, North and West. Moderate, continuous pyroclastic flows are recorded towards the Seca, Ceniza, Mineral, Taniluya, Las Lajas and Onda ravines.

Ash falls occur in communities like La Soledad, San Miguel Dueñas, Alotenango Antigua Guatemala and Chimaltenango, the alert to the descent of moderate lahars is also maintained in the rivers Pantaleon, Mineral and others in the areas where the bridges in this area could be damaged due to the overflow of these rivers.

The communities of Sangre de Cristo, Finca Palo Verde, Panimaché I y II and other communities near the volcano were evacuated by the fire services, the immediate intervention teams -ERI- the National Coordinator for Prevention -CONRED disasters, and elements of the Guatemalan Army and other institutions.

The population living near the volcanic zone must not expose its life by approaching the clouds of fire that descend from the crater, avoid staying in the canyons or near rivers where pyroclastic flows or lahars could descend. It is also recommended not to use roads near the volcano since the ashes fall and the lahar descent have generated different risk conditions.

The Conred raises to 25 the number of the deceased by the eruption of the Fuego Volcano.

The national coordinator of disaster prevention (Conrad) brought to 25 the number of deaths due to the eruption of the volcano Fuego, 18 perished in the villages of San Miguel Los Lotes, Escuintla, where were suspended the rescue efforts to 21 hours.

The victims were trapped in their homes when they were hit by a flood, a mixture of lava and mud, a product of the eruption of the volcano, which began operations on Sunday.
The tragedy occurred around 15:00, according to villagers, who fear more people will be trapped in the rubble.

The corpses of the victims, including that of a pregnant woman, were left on the volcanic material.
According to the testimonies of the people affected, in the area it rained a lot and apparently a hot cloud was hijacked and when it joined the mud it took more speed, and many people could not s’ escape.
Calls for help from those affected who have been safe but have not been saved are being heard, while rescuers are making efforts to keep them safe.
Around 21:00, the rescue work was suspended, while the volcano had already decreased its activity.


Hugo Daniel López is one of the people who represents the drama of tragedy. He said he was working when he learned the urgency. When he arrived at the place, he did not find his family and with concern, he said that his house was in the « upper part » where almost everything is buried.

Authorities reported that several people who had been burned had been transferred to different hospitals.
In Roosevelt and San Juan de Dios hospitals, in the capital, are transferred with third-degree burns of minors and adults. In addition, Escuintla and Antigua Guatemala hospitals are preparing to receive more casualties.

Spokesman for the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (Conrad), David de León, said that until 9 pm there were 653 reported evacuees -378 to Escuintla and 275 to Sacatepéquez, two of the three most affected villages by the eruption.
He also said the search and rescue tasks of the dead and missing were suspended due to the area’s low light and dangers, so they will resume early Monday Morning

Source : Conred. Prensa Libre.

Photo : vulcanologia esia , Prensa Libre: Enrique Paredes

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