You are currently viewing April 01 , 2018.  EN. Turrialba , Poas , Rincon de la Vieja , Ebeko , Cumbal , Popocatepetl .

April 01 , 2018. EN. Turrialba , Poas , Rincon de la Vieja , Ebeko , Cumbal , Popocatepetl .

April 01 , 2018.


Turrialba , Poas , Rincon de la Vieja , Costa Rica :

Report on Turrialba, Poás and Rincón de la Vieja volcano activity, March 30, 2018, updated at 10:45 am

Turrialba Volcano:
At 08:01 on the night of March 29, there was an eruption of the Turrialba. This lasted about 10 minutes during which there was a passive emission of ashes. After that, it was possible to observe the glow inside the crater, which we have been observing for several days.
The activity of the Turrialba volcano was maintained with a continuous tremor of low amplitude. Few VT and LP earthquakes, small amplitudes can be observed at the VTUN station.
When weather conditions permit, degassing may be observed during non-continuous periods.
The direction of the prevailing winds is oriented to the northwest, data provided by the meteorological station of IMN.


March 30, 2018, Turrialba Volcano:
Today, around 12:30, a new eruption of the Turrialba volcano was observed from the surveillance cameras of the RSN at the summit. It was characterized by a passive emanation of ash whose column reached less than 100 m above the active crater and was dispersed to the northwest according to IMN data. The RSN is aware of the activity of this volcano. Inform: Dr. Mauricio M. Mora.

Poás Volcano:
In the past 24 hours, seismographs have recorded seismic activity signals of low volcanic activity. At this time, a low level of degassing is maintained, no ash emission is detected or observed.
The direction of the prevailing winds is oriented to the southwest, data provided by the meteorological station of IMN.
Yesterday, there was no report of smell perception of sulfur or ash falls.

Rincón de la Vieja Volcano:
In the last 24 hours no eruption was detected.
There is no report of smell perception of sulfur or falling ash.

OVSICORI-UNA remains vigilant on seismic and volcanic activity.

Source : Ovsicori.


Ebeko , Kuril Islands, Russia:


Issued: March 31 , 2018.
Volcano:Ebeko (CAVW #290380)
Current aviation colour code:ORANGE
Previous aviation colour code:orange
Notice Number:2018-34
Volcano Location:N 50 deg 41 min E 156 deg 0 min
Area:Northern Kuriles, Russia
Summit Elevation:3791.68 ft (1156 m)

Volcanic Activity Summary:
According to visual data, explosions sent ash up to 2.0 km a.s.l.; an ash plume is drifting to the south-east from the volcano.

A moderate gas-steam with some amount of ash activity of the volcano continues. Ash explosions up to 16,400 ft (5 km) a.s.l. could occur at any time. Ongoing activity could affect low-flying aircraft and airport of Severo-Kurilsk.

Volcanic cloud height:
6560 ft (2000 m) AMSL Time and method of ash plume/cloud height determination: 20180331/0424Z – Visual data

Other volcanic cloud information:
Distance of ash plume/cloud of the volcano: 3 mi (5 km)
Direction of drift of ash plume/cloud of the volcano: SE
Time and method of ash plume/cloud determination: 20180331/0424Z – Visual data

Source : Kvert.

Photo : T. Kotenko, IVS FEB RAS, KVERT , 17/10/2017.


Cumbal , Colombia :

Subject: Cumbal Volcano Activity Bulletin.

The level of activity of the volcano is maintained at the level:

Following the activity of the CUMBAL VOLCANIC COMPLEX, the COLOMBIAN GEOLOGICAL SERVICE informs that:

For the period between March 20 and March 26, 2018, there was a slight decrease in seismic activity compared to the previous week, the dominant seismicity continues to be that associated with the fracturing of the rocks inside. of the volcano. The localized earthquakes were located near the crater of La Plazuela northeast of the volcanic complex, with depths up to 5 km from the summit (4700 m alt.) And local amplitudes less than M1.0 on Richter scale.

It was possible to observe gas emissions during the evaluated period, mainly in the El Verde fumarole fields north-east of the volcanic complex. The emission columns were observed white, of low height and of variable dispersion according to the direction of the wind.

The COLOMBIAN GEOLOGICAL SERVICE is attentive to the evolution of the volcanic phenomenon and will continue to inform in a timely manner of the detected changes.

Source : SGC


Popocatépetl , Mexico :

March 31, 11:00 am (March 31st, 17:00 GMT).

During the last 24 hours, by the monitoring systems of the Popocatepetl volcano, 66 low intensity exhalations accompanied by water vapor and gas have been identified. In addition, three volcano-tectonic earthquakes occurred at 01:31, 02:37 and 03:47 h, with magnitude 2.7, 1.8 and 3.2 respectively; the 3:47 event was located 18 km northeast of the volcano. In addition 4 minutes of harmonic tremor were recorded.

During the night and early in the morning, an incandescent that increased during a few exhalations was observed.
At the time of this report, there is no visibility on the volcano, but the seismic activity of the volcano remains largely unchanged.

CENAPRED asked not to approach the volcano and in particular the crater, because of the risk of falling of projectiles and in case of heavy rain to stay away from the bottoms of the ravines because of the danger of landslides and mudslides .

The volcanic warning light of the Popocatepetl volcano is located at Amarillo Phase 2

Source : Cenapred.

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